Government Software And Customer Service

Does your office need a smarter queue platform to accommodate customer service? If you're looking for better government software, discover what solutions QLess has to offer. It's easier than you think to create an innovative new system to satisfy your customer's needs as well as keep your office running efficiently and accurately. With some simple updating to systems and technology you already have in place, your company and your customers can be on the road to a better customer service experience.

When your customers don't feel they are being attended to they can be tempted and often will decide to make other professional choices, so it's in your company's best interest to do whatever it takes to maintain customer satisfaction. Whether your customers are on a local or national level, getting to their needs in the fastest way possible is always ideal. Government software doesn't always have the best reputation for getting the job done in the most timely manner, but with the usage of QLess, your department can effectively cut down wait times for the customer.

People stand in line in a long queue

If your current queue system involves your customers having to wait in line to set an appointment, speak with a representative, or get services from your department or other departments, it can eat up a great deal of time, energy, and workspace for them. This is a long outdated system that now with the use of new technologies can be modified to accommodate and convenience both the employees in your department and those who need the services.

Better Solutions For A Smarter Workflow

The good news is that now customers and employees can get more out of their workday by simply using smarter technology, this smarter tech can make government software as seamless as it was intended to be. The unique and useful features of the QLess system, a virtual queue can turn your office into a highly efficient, streamlined, and technology-based place to work. We have numerous advantages we can bring to your government department, no matter what responsibilities are at hand. No longer will issues such as disorganization, overflow, and extended wait times for a human attendant keep your company from performing at its highest level consistently.

With QLess, your customer queue works on a virtual platform, so you can eliminate or the in-person lines as well as dissatisfied customers, this is important for both client and employee morale. By the simple use of smart devices, customers can choose a date and time for their appointment, and by allowing for virtual queues your department can open up space for both more customers and efficiency. This streamlined process ensures that not one of your customers will have to wait any longer than is necessary, in person or online.

People sitting at a conference table

Further, when customers feel that their needs are being met, they are more likely to recommend the experience to others, then when the customer does have the opportunity to interact with staff, it is more likely to be a positive and smoothly moving dialogue. This kind of positive reinforcement will only make the office work morale higher and further an even better work environment for those there; further, when customers feel that their needs are being met, they are more likely to recommend the experience to others. This kind of positive reinforcement will only make the office work morale higher and further an even better work environment for those there. Then when the customer does have the opportunity to interact with staff, it is more likely to be a positive and smoothly moving dialogue.

Change Impressions Of Your Company

Unfortunately, government offices have never had the best reputation for quality service. Whether that is due to lack of staff, overly crowded waiting rooms, or interminable waiting on the phone for service, it's never made for very positive customer and consumer experiences, but with QLess virtual queues, your government software can make a change that will forever improve the quality of the experience for those who not only work in the office but also those who come either in person or over the phone.

Acquire Valuable Data

Another asset to having this accelerated technology is that your department will gain access to valuable data, with knowledge comes power and the more information you have at your fingertips, the better job you can do as a company. This serves both your staff and your clients who will gain access to up to date information on what they need to know.

New Ways To Connect

Another great benefit of QLess is the multiple ways it can connect your company to your customers. With access to texting and emailing as well as phone calls, you'll have multiple ways as will your customer to find out what information is needed. The system can also send out calls or messages to let appointment holders know about their upcoming reservations and any delays to appointments or scheduling.

A woman in a black jacket waits on her cell phone

Make For An Ideal Customer Experience

With this breakthrough technology, you can allow for walk-ins to easily and painlessly check into your office using a kiosk or their own smart device. That way the choice is theirs if they want to wait in person or re-schedule for a later time. Further, customers can find out via text how much longer their wait time is, due to this innovative mobile and cloud-based technology, the wait time would be shorten by up to 97%.

Conversely, customers can contact your office if they are running late or experiencing the need to reschedule both in advance or last minute, and with this advanced government software, they can easily make that happen without waiting in line, on hold, or battling it out with an outdated phone system.

A person stands staring at their smartwatch

Know What Your Customers Need In Real-Time

With smarter government software, like schedule optimization software, you can bridge the gap between want and need and what happens when customers walk through your front door or pick up the phone to call. Your ability to resolve the problem quickly and without distraction or destruction of the customer is powerful and empowering to both you and your company, customers can finally make better use of their time and this serves the morale of everyone involved in the line of communication.

Save Money With A Smart Investment

QLess is affordable government software, not only this, but your office will end up saving valuable time, energy, and resources as well as money in time spent on managing long lines and queues; further, you can choose a payment option that works best for your company. Remember that the system will, in the long run, end up saving your company money as well as more headaches than can be counted. With improved time management and distribution of resources in your office, you'll see faster turnover as well as a higher level of customer satisfaction, which will thereby make your business run imminently more smoothly.

A person is browsing on their smartphone.

Bold Choices For A Better Tomorrow

Smarter queue solutions and changes towards better workflow are easier to make than you may think. And once you see how much better the process can be with the use of advanced technology like that from QLess, your world will open up to new possibilities. Government software should be the most cutting edge on the market, leading the charge to a better work environment and customer experience; therefore, the ripple effects of a streamlined workforce will be felt well beyond your department. Save on unnecessary paperwork as information moves with ease to the digital world, but you can also rest assured, your information and your customers' will be safe and secure as increased order comes to your department. Technology lives in the cloud and that also applies to government software as well.

Invaluable In Times Of Emergency

There are also times when emergency strikes, when having a digital queue will serve as a vital role in getting your customers the help they need in much quicker and safer manner. Whether there is a blistering heat wave, a massive winter storm, or something on a larger scale like a natural disaster, having an efficient and streamlined way for people to get the help they need quickly is invaluable and potentially life-saving. In this case, your department will not only be saving people headaches and wait time, but could potentially also be saving those in dire need. What could be a better incentive to improve your technology and government software that that?

People wait in line to shop

Learn More

To learn more about how to transform your government office as well as government software to boost office efficiency and morale for both customers and staff, read our whitepaper, The Digital Citizen. Find out how you can change your department for the better today!

GSA Approved Vendor (GS-35F-209CA)