QLess in the words of our customers:
"It's helped keep customers from walking away,"
--Dada Ngo. Owner, The Boiling Crab.
"It's a really intuitive system...We've had absolutely no problems with our hostesses learning the system."
"We are able to obtain a lot more guests."
"It keeps [guests] up to date. We don't have to have hosts wasting time trying to find them. We don't have to have [hosts] trying to give them more information or when their table's going to be ready. The system will update them."
"[Guests are] shocked...they get excited...they're very happy about the whole system."
"Our bar can be full the whole time during happy hour, and if there's no space, they'll just look at it and change their mind. Those are guests that you can retain, that can leave and come back...We lose a lot less guests that way."
"The setup was incredibly easy."
(On Using OpenTable and QLess together) "Using the 2 systems side by side is effortless."
-- Michael Wilson, Manager, Border Grill
"I think overall it's a very good system. Customers really like it. The day we had a really long wait, everything was perfect. On a 1 to 10 scale, I'd give it a 9. Educating people [about their wait] helps tremendously. It's perfect, it really is."
--Patricia Rogers, Citizen Services Director, Office of the Mayor, Nashua, NH
"The Johnson County Kansas Treasurer's Division of Motor Vehicles is pleased to have partnered with Q-Less on our new line management or queuing system. The response and customer feedback about the system has been overwhelmingly positive. It has giving our customers a sense of freedom from the motor vehicle process.
One customer ...said that it was as good as car registration may get. ...
The flexibility and willingness that Q-Less has shown in understanding our business operations, constraints and needs has been outstanding. This partnership has been very exciting for Johnson County and we look forward to our continued success."
--Amy Meeker Berg, Chief Deputy Treasurer, Johnson County, Kansas
"So far I am ecstatic with the app and even more happy with the support I get"
--Bill Deehan, IT Director, Mesa Community College
"Sherry had some very complimentary things to say about QLess and it's staff as well...Any simpler and it would do it itself! We would like you to consider us a strong reference for your firm."
-John Barker, IT Director, Motor Vehicle Registration, City of Nashua.
"Charles and Tim have been just wonderful to work with. They are always prompt with any assistance I need...I really believe that the QLess system has helped alleviate the customer confusionwe've been dealing with since this facility was built back in the 1950's...Having QLess has inspired us to make some significant changes in the way we operate our Adoption program and I am quite certain that these changes will make that program more efficient and customer friendly."
--Ginger Scott, Customer Service Supervisor, Town Lake Animal Center, City of Austin
"QLess? It's quick, it's convenient. Quick and easy tool. Quick to navigate through. It's very easy for me. I don't have any complaints." -Chloe Crims-Merritts, Receptionist, Admissions and Advisement, Mesa Community College
"I love the fact that we can cell phone numbers in and students can go anywhere they want pretty much on campus. They don't have to necessarily wait here...Basically, I really like it." -Christiana Ravecchioli, Receptionist, Admissions and Advisement, Mesa Community College
And in Spanish:
"Esta realmente bien. Me gusta bastante y me aporta mas cosas que el tema del turno que es bastante basico y elemental."
--Kiko Medina, Director General, OhMyCut.com (cadena espan~ola de peluquerias)
In the word of our end users:
"This is pretty cool, since it allows you time to shop at the local stores...and not worry about missing your name called out."
"Perfect. What a great service. Thanks!"
"That's cool wish everybody would do this!"
" thx.love the new system."
"I am thru...what a wonderful way to do this..thanks"
"This is a great system. Thanks!"
"Neat idea!"
"I dig it."
"Better than the food!"
"Thank you and i love the new system!!"
"Thanks alot for the update i trully appreciate your services"
"Arrived at DMV at 10:45. Bruce is now at window 13. we have
left. Picked up tile. Delivered tile. Had lunch. Installed 20percent
of tile. Picked up Taylor at OE came back to DMV. Govenment (sic) run
organization at its best!"
We won't rest until you are satisfied and we've eliminated waiting from the face of the Earth!