What Is a Business Process Management System for Colleges?

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What is a business process management system for colleges? On the surface of things, it seems complicated and unrelated. You have to remember, however, that a university is a business, too. Although the main aim is to shape young minds that are ready to go out into the world, that's not always what happens. Far too many colleges are under-staffed to the detriment of both the employees and the student body. In spite of tuition rates so astronomical that more and more students are giving up the whole idea of higher education, colleges are hemorrhaging money. In seeking to improve student services, satisfaction, and their bottom line, they've reached an impasse. How can a college cater to its students, streamline the bureaucracies associated with university life, and still maintain effective policies?

The answer is QLess. It's the only tool that a university needs to track its business from the inside out. Too many people make the mistake of believing that because colleges and universities are institutions of higher learning, they can't possibly operate as a business. That's a naive viewpoint. However, colleges themselves would do well to remember that, as a business, their student bodies are their primary customers. Higher-ups in the administration may go around courting alumni and donors trying to get more money, but the students are the ones who should be benefiting.

There's no secret to improving the business side of things. It only involves tracking behaviors and being proactive. With QLess, you have the unique opportunity to view exactly where the problems are and what you're doing wrong. The QLess queue management system not only tracks the behaviors of students who visit the departments on campus, but it also helps you to analyze patterns to come up with new policies to address glaring issues. You might discover that the registrar's office needs to have more staff on the clock or perhaps that it has to stay open later throughout the beginning of the semester. The software may also reveal that professors aren't actually available during their office hours, or that students still have to wait for assistance at the health clinic for an unreasonable length of time.

You don't know what QLess may discover until you adopt the program. The software can also help employees to manage their time more efficiently, which leads to their ability to help more students. Maybe it's time to opt for a technological upgrade.

Staying On Top of Time Management

a group of students stand in line

What is a business process management system for a college campus? It's a means to follow patterns of behavior and policies from behind the scenes. Installing the QLess software, for example, puts into place a seamless schedule that employees can easily follow. All they need to do is glance at the dashboard to see what they have planned for the day. They have every opportunity in the world to prepare for incoming students who have appointments. Once they utilize the system, they shouldn't have time to sit around twiddling their thumbs, but neither do they have to place students in line and make sure that the lobby isn't too chaotic. QLess basically erases the need for a waiting room. Incoming students are sorted to the appropriate clerk without a hassle.

Proper Allocation of Staff Resources

Because staff members aren't required to placate impatient students who are angry or upset after waiting in queue for a large chunk of their day, they can instead focus on their actual duties. Counselors can concentrate on the mental health of their visitors. Employees in the office of the registrar can help students to register for classes and put together their course roster for the upcoming semester. They can do their jobs, which is a more economical model than the disruption created by the first come, first served method.

Cutting Down on Unreasonable Wait Times

The primary benefit of queue management via the cloud as it applies to business process management is that it eliminates wait times for students. They can sign up for an appointment, then participate in their daily activities until they need to head to the library or the bookstore. They're not hanging around waiting to be seen, which is better for the students and the employees who want to help them.

Exploring Student Behaviors and Critiques

Asking, "what is a business process management system that I can use for my university?" is an easy question to answer once you understand what QLess does. The ability to track how students behave will illuminate what works and what doesn't. You may need to open certain departments for more extended hours or employ more extensive staff to handle high traffic. It might benefit you to introduce appointments at the bookstore to ensure that students have the time and space to find the books required by their professors.

What is a business process management system for colleges? It looks different than a system for traditional for-profit businesses, but not by much. In the case of QLess, the emphasis is on organizing daily schedules for staff members and students alike. No one can get anything accomplished when everyone is either waiting around or playing catch up in a vain attempt to make up for wasted time. Coeds attend college to learn something. They did not sign up to learn that colleges can take their money without providing much in return. The administration must make the campus an engaging, encouraging space for attendees and employees. The best way to do that is to implement strategies that allow you to improve problem areas proactively. Don't wait until your student body is fed up and your attrition rates climb to the sky. If you're going to treat your university as a business, then remember to treat students as valuable customers whose opinions and time you respect. It's time to embrace the QLess solution. To learn how to improve campus operations and retention rates, read our campus without lines whitepaper.
