Customer Experience Management Software and Government Offices

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Government offices work at the pleasure of the taxpayers, that's a blunt way of putting it, but if your job is related to the government at all, then it's true. Whether you're a member of a sanitation crew or you're an alderman, you work for your community. In an effort to improve their reputation among their communities, an increasing number of government offices are experimenting with customer experience management software. These trailblazing offices realizing that helping the public is the most critical aspect of their job, no matter what they offer, that job begins with customer satisfaction. If your aim is to ensure that the people who walk into your office get to enjoy an efficient, helpful experience, then you need to adopt the QLess solution. If your office sees people on a daily basis, you need something to manage your appointments, help you with time management, and cut down on wait times. Long waits are the loudest complaint among citizens, they loathe attending to responsibilities at government agencies because they expect to wait forever to see someone, and even then, they aren't confident that they'll be assisted successfully. People are used to showing up at a government department and being sent away again because they need a piece of paperwork or another item to accomplish their goal at the office.

QLess boosts the customer experience from the beginning, our system allows citizens to book appointments at their discretion. It also gives employees the necessary tools to streamline their day. Access to the QLess dashboard ensures that staff on duty is always up-to-date with who's waiting to see someone, including walk-ins and people who didn't make an appointment prior to arrival. Instead of feeling angry, frustrated, and impatient, community members are relieved to get in and out quickly, regardless of whether they need to speak to their local councilman or visit the Fish and Game Warden.

The QLess queue management system has a variety of features that set it apart from other appointment tools. Learn about how you can change the infrastructure of your office with the institution of software that places the needs and time constraints of the customer as a priority. With our software, you can ensure that your office has a high standing in the community, a reputation for citizen satisfaction, and the ability to help your community in a way that your neighbors will appreciate.

An Effective Cost-Cutting Measure

young woman holds money

Installing cloud-based customer experience management software is a way to save money without stretching your budget too thin or making cuts elsewhere in the department. The software itself is affordable for most government budgets, but QLess is also willing to work with offices, in addition to offering several pricing plans and schedules. In point of fact, opting for QLess is more economically efficient than letting things stand, it makes more sense than hiring time management experts or other consultants. Although they can point out areas that need improvement, the QLess platform does the work for you, and it keeps you in check for the long-term.

With the system in place, you no longer have to spare an employee to keep waiting citizens in check. None of your employees have to expend energy or time placating an enraged crowd of impatient visitors. That's a waste of working hours and money. You don't have to worry about system maintenance, either. QLess uses cloud technology, meaning that you don't require any IT staff to take care of it. Issues are fixed off-site.

Effortless Integration of All Incoming Citizens

The idea of QLess is that incoming community members can install the QLess app on their smart devices or visit the website of your office, where they can book a time to come in that works for their daily schedule. As you're aware, many government options welcome citizens to come and wait; the sooner they arrive, the quicker they'll be served, that's no longer an efficient way to do business for visitors or government staff. Employees still have to rush to catch up on the influx of citizens, utilizing our management software, however, the system transfers appointment-holders into their available slots. People who walk in but don't book a reservation to see someone aren't out of luck, though. For them, the system moves them into available time frames, they're invited to wait around the office or to leave and do what they like until they're notified via phone, email, or text that their appointment is about to take place.

Maximization of Employee Resources

Staff members are content and engaged when they have the support and tools needed to do what they were hired to do in the first place. Government employees are not babysitters or referees. It's not in their job description to appease angry visitors. Although they do need to display a high level of customer service, they're much more equipped to do so when they serve the public in their intended roles. Now, rather than counseling angry people, employees can use their resources to maximum effect, they can devote their energy to helping the people who come to their window.

Government agencies suffer from under-staffing at every level, that's why customer experience management software is essential for the allocation of resources and time management. At any time, an employee can check the QLess dashboard to see how many people are waiting, who's due to come in, and what they need. That gives them ample time to prepare for their next appointment, which saves time for staff and visitors. It also ensures that each employee feels competent and confident in serving community members. They know what they're doing, and they don't have to worry about anything else.

Access to Necessary Documentation

people hold passports while traveling

QLess installs kiosks at the offices that desire them. The kiosks add another layer to our customer experience management software. Not only can citizens head to the on-site kiosks to register their names, choose a time frame for their appointment, and include details about the reason for their visit, but they can also check to see what forms they need to bring along. In some cases, people need to bring documents from home, such as photo ID and proof of address. QLess lets them know about all the required documents they have to worry about before arriving for their formal appointment. Other government visits can't be completed unless the citizen has filled out a form that they need to retrieve from the office. Our kiosks will reveal that information, as well. Going a step further, citizens can even print out the documents they need to complete and bring back for their scheduled meeting.

Communication Tailored to Individual Preferences

Customer satisfaction largely depends on communication, your community wants to communicate with you. The QLess customer experience management software allows you to get in touch with appointment-holders. Better still, when they register with the system, they can choose their preferred method of communication. Some people enjoy talking in a traditional manner, so you can place voice calls to them, other community members rely on emailing and texting to send and receive messages and you can now do that, as well. Use the system to remind people of their upcoming appointments, including updates, send out notifications whenever the office is lagging a bit, too. Citizens will appreciate the gesture because they know there's no need to show up just yet.

Customer experience management software makes life better for everyone. Employee morale shoots through the roof because your staff is no longer responsible for playing the role of the bad guy. They won't bear the brunt of unsatisfied community members who are angry because they've been waiting forever or because they wasted their time waiting when they don't even have the necessary paperwork for the permit or registration they want.

From government employees to visitors, everyone involved is on the same page for a change. Citizens won't feel as if they're forced to bow to your whim, but neither will you feel like your entire day involves listening to people yell at you and cop attitude because they don't want to be in your office. Sunnier dispositions can enhance the workday exponentially. The most crucial detail to walk away with is that QLess can transform the flow of your office. You'll see more citizens without stretching your resources or burning out your employees. Your staff will be more prepared due to the transparency of the system, a feature that also benefits your community. The numbers system is no longer functional or practical. While some citizens may still prefer it, most don't want to hang out at your office all day--for free, no less. Give them a virtual option instead, take the QLess route. Ready to learn more about how to manage your government office and boost operational efficiencies? Read our whitepaper, The Digital Citizen.
