A student heads to school. An endless lineup at the student services office is an age-old rite of passage on college campuses everywhere. From the front counter and all the way down the hall, students have collectively lined up for just about everything: course selection, student numbers, meal cards, exam schedules, photo ID, enrollment information, financial aid, and more. During peak summer and back-to-school months, providing these services can stretch college staff to their limit and add to student stress leading up to the beginning of class. Many students leave line ups in frustration or become lost and unable to navigate the system.
Luckily, technology on campus is changing the way student services are delivered. With innovative college student management systems taking the organization of campus life into the virtual realm, the days of endless lineups at your college campus will be no more. Our mission at QLess is for your student queue to shorten and even disappear for good, take a virtual tour to see how it can happen. Then, read on to see how mobile queuing technology can raise your reputation as a global educational leader with the most cutting-edge technology. Here are the top 10 Reasons you should put QLess to work on your campus now:
1. Your Institution Can Model the Future of Student Services
Think about all the ways that apps have proved useful in changing how we make and wait for our appointments in the new millenium. Reserving a spot at the walk-in clinic from your couch is now possible, so is waiting for your table reservation at a popular restaurant while you visit other tourist attractions or shop nearby. College student management systems are no different, think of them as the next step in college upgrades as you move into a more connected future.
Much like watching your Uber or Lyft approach you on a mobile phone app, QLess uses student queue management technology to eliminate that feeling of not knowing how long things will take. Imagine how much more productive student services staff could be, with no more questions of "how much longer will I wait." No more frustrated students waiting hours in line, no more "office closed" signs for unsuspecting students. The future of lining up is a lot shorter in the digital age, and your institution can take the lead.
2. Capitalize on Technology: Use Interactive Mobile Queuing for Appointments
College student management systems provide interactive mobile queuing with your students as they coordinate appointments for a variety of services on campus. Many educational institutions have taken the leap and given students a better way to line up for a variety of essential services. Here are just a few instances where students might use interactive mobile queuing to help make an appointment:
- Meetings with an academic advisor
- Obtaining admissions information
- Financial aid assistance
- Class registration
- Tutoring
QLess cloud-based technology is easy to implement in larger institutions, it can function flawlessly and be monitored even when multiple student services offices function on different parts of campus. On-site kiosks or tablets may be made available to help students create their appointments, but personal devices can also be used to make any of these meetings remotely.
With college student management systems that have a proven track record at institutions around the globe, see your student queue quickly disappear in a matter of weeks with our expert guidance. By working with our collaborative team, you can easily adapt mobile queuing technology to work for your institution and unique student population.
3. Let Students Take Charge of Their Time
Interactive mobile queuing means that students are in control of their own time. All appointments on campus can be arranged remotely by students or with the help of technology provided on site. This means students can now:
- Check wait times
- Join queues
- Request more time for an appointment
Picture waiting in the virtual line as you hit the books with a coffee or make a new friend in residence. Students can focus on what matters instead of dashing to the student services office between classes and hoping for a manageable wait time; in fact, a predictable wait time is possible with innovative college student management systems.
4. Increase Communication Between Students and Your Institution
Large universities benefit from a system that allows for fast communication.
Mobile queuing and messaging is a great way for students to make appointments and adjust their schedules accordingly, but it works both ways. QLess technology allows back-and-forth communication between campus staff and students. Use our service to:
- Notify students of changed appointment times
- Contact students regarding a change of location
- Market campus activities and programs that may interest students
Accessing important services on campus shouldn't be a secret and neither should wait time. With our scheduling app, students can stay in the loop about all important information on campus without joining an endless line. College student management systems effectively increase communication.
5. Allow Remote Scheduling
All you need is a simple app. The QLess campus appointment scheduling app helps your students access any service they need without having to navigate the campus map or wait in line. Our queue management system features learning algorithms thar process data points and provide an amazingly accurate forecasted wait time for each student.
In short, students will no longer have to physically be present to line up and obtain the information they need. Instead, an accurate virtual student queue is available and students can:
- Sign up from a variety of locations: the campus website, their mobile phone or an on-site kiosk
- Receive SMS notifications to alert them as they move toward the front of the queue
- Have the option of watching a big screen on site for appointment information
- Cancel appointments when necessary without wasting staff time
This fast and efficient appointment scheduling app helps students feel empowered and in control of their schedule. See why students from coast to coast rave about QLess cloud-based college student management systems.
6. Decrease Wait Time
Long line ups are a huge cause of frustration and anxiety for students and their families. With student service volume increasing during the peak months leading up to the beginning of the school year, wait times can be hours-long, with some students even reporting being afraid to leave the line to use the bathroom or to grab a quick snack or drink of water.
With QLess technology, frustration disappears as students can predict times; even better, the crowds disappear and campus offices open up, becoming calmer and more welcoming places to visit. There is a reason students love using QLess to help save them time, they can eat, study, go to class, workout, and participate in other on-campus activities, all while waiting in the virtual student queue. It's a modern way to save everyone time. In addition:
- SMS surveys give students a chance to share feedback and help improve services
- Staff are more focused on helping students, leading to higher levels of satisfaction with student services
- Less waiting time boosts student satisfaction and can even increase student retention
Low satisfaction scores are directly linked to student dropouts. Effective college students management systems have been shown to shorten on-site wait times up to 97 per cent, thereby increasing overall student satisfaction with services on campus. With the emphasis placed more on problem-solving and providing good service, let your campus staff leverage their time by helping students make important academic decisions.
7. Let Our FlexAppointments Ease the Burden
FlexAppointments can help your offices and students get organized.
FlexAppointments mean that walk-ins can coexist with your virtual line-up, allowing students to schedule flexibly the way they want. Here's how it works: FlexAppointments provides an opportunity for students to book an appointment for a future day or time. Leading up to the appointment, reminders are sent via text or email. Our FlexAppointments system identifies gaps through cancellations or no-shows and creates:
- More efficient flow
- Improved staff productivity
- Reduced on-site wait times
Alongside future appointments, walk-ins can still be accepted as openings in the virtual student queue occur. This method prevents long gaps between customers on high-peak days.
8. Streamline and Improve Services
All of this adds up to staff who can now focus on addressing student needs in lieu of student complaints. QLess provides powerful data and analytics on student wait traffic, and helps identify peak periods and other patterns of service demand. This means, your institution can plan ahead to schedule additional staff as needed based on wait time information. QLess college student management systems provide:
- A real-time dashboard to compare data from multiple offices
- Guidance on allocating resources and materials appropriately
- Automated SMS surveys to offer more insight to management and administration
These features mean better services are provided more effectively and at a lower cost. Our highly-rated cloud-based software can enhance your school's reputation and help save money.
9. Ease Pressure on Administration
College administrators and staff are under constant pressure to increase enrollment and student satisfaction while balancing ever-limited resources. We can help boost student satisfaction by up to 75% and reduce operational costs up to 45%. See how other colleges and universities around the globe have:
- Made a great first-impression with students and their families
- Enhanced their reputation with cutting-edge technology
- Helped make students feel like they are individuals by giving them full attention
- Improved overall student services operations
Reduce the student queue on campus, and ease the pressure on everyone. With no additional hardware needed, college student management systems help reduce the burden simply and effectively.
10. Gain Deeper Insights
QLess offers analytics that will let you dive deep into your school's services.
Aside from the reduction of wait times, QLess offers analytics meant to inform administration. Through reports, our data shows what services are being used and how often, many institutions choose to analyze the effectiveness of their services and make efforts to administer them more efficiently. Now you can:
- Know how many student visits you receive at multiple locations
- See how use of services correlate to student academic performance
- Analyze repeat student visits
Effective college student management systems approach student services holistically. Save students time, target student needs effectively, and make improvements based on real-time data.
Explore Educational Leaders Who Trust QLess Technology
Now that you've explored how QLess can work for you, see why more organizations select QLess than any other student queue management platform. We maintain a 99.7% annual retention rate with our clients. These are just some of the educational institutions using our innovative platform:
- Collin College
- Broward College
- Valdosta State University
- South Seattle College
- Chicago Public School District
A proven track record and client retention rate speaks for itself. Join others who have already made the leap into the future, and make sure your institution is using top-notch technology to rise above the rest in student service.
Read Our Case Studies
Take some time and read the success stories of some of the educational institutions who have committed to using college student management systems to increase efficiency. See how a top-ranking university in Australia used QLess to eliminate 2812 hours of physical wait time in just three weeks of operation by:
- Capitalizing on a tech-savvy student population
- Committing to a more streamlined process for students to wait in line
- Focusing on helping staff reduce their workload through technology
Now, read even more success stories on our website to see what others have to say about experiencing the transition from paper to our virtual college student management systems. An overall move to a new system takes time and thoughtful implementation.
At QLess, our executive team works with clients to follow through and see what works well. With so many great reasons to move your institution forward, it's time to take a virtual tour and leap into the future on campus. QLess will help you become a global leader in education and technology.