Social Distancing Measures For Reopening Restaurants After COVID-19

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As states begin to reopen after COVID-19, more and more restaurants will be able to open their doors again. As you're beginning that process, however, it's important to maintain thorough social distancing measures to keep customers and employees safe. Waiting in lines to be seated is one of the biggest challenges to social distancing that will be faced by restaurants; nevertheless, as recommended by the CDCphone app technology can help overcome this problem to allow restaurants to function efficiently and keep their patrons safe. Consider QLess' social distancing app for some of the best solutions as you reopen restaurants after COVID-19.

Remote Queueing

restaurant social distancing measures

QLess offers a wait time app that can help you maintain social distancing measures in restaurants, which not only keeps customers safe but also improves their experience with shorter wait times and more efficient service! Remote queueing allows customers to get in line through the app wherever they happen to be -- at home, in the car, or at work. It's a much more convenient (and hygienic!) way for customers to wait than passing out germ-ridden buzzers in crowded waiting areas. You can send customers their wait time through SMS messages or our mobile app, as well as notifying them when to arrive in the lobby. The app also allows you to send text and voice message alerts to customers as they move to the front of the virtual queue. Customers will love the flexibility of being able to continue their day without having to stand in line, and you won't have to worry about overseeing waiting areas to make sure they don't become overcrowded.

Virtual queues offer one of the most groundbreaking new technologies for customer experience, and they have never been more valuable than they are today for restaurants reopening after COVID-19. Eliminating long lines has been shown to increase customer satisfaction by up to 100%. QLess' social distancing app also offers the benefit of interactive, two-way communication. Unlike many other available technologies, with QLess, restaurant staff and customers can communicate directly to let each other know of any delays or changes in the timeline, further increasing convenience. QLess improves customer experience as well as facilitating sound social distancing measures.

QLess also streamlines procedures for employees, removing the need to manage long lines and ensure social distancing in waiting areas frees up employees to focus on other tasks. They have more time and space to meet customer needs, optimizing the in-restaurant experience for customers. Remote queueing offers greater efficiency throughout the entire process of serving customers.

Benefits to Restaurant Bottom Line

QLess solutions do more than helping to preserve social distance for restaurants and food service. QLess is also a marketing tool that allows restaurants to better engage with their patrons by offering special deals (discounts, etc.) and asking for real-time feedback (surveys, suggestions, etc.) - enabling a much more robust consumer experience

QLess's platform can provide restaurants and other businesses with performance metrics and insights that drive efficiency - workforce scheduling, load balancing, and CRM functionality to provide insights for repeat customers.

Establish Social Distancing Measures in Restaurants With QLess

When it comes to satisfying customers and promoting their health and safety, QLess can be trusted to help as you implement social distancing measures through queue management. Our wait time app offers a technological solution to the challenges faced by restaurants reopening after COVID-19. Contact us today to find out how we can help you reopen safely and effectively.
