Category: Retail

Learning Through Customer Satisfaction Reports

The QLess queue management system can help a business in so many ways, from alleviating long lines and wait times, to auto scheduling appointments, marketing promotions, boosting staff productivity, and delivering important analytics. […]

How an Auto Scheduler Increases Efficiency for Your Staff

For many businesses, scheduling appointments is a large part of the staff’s duties. Businesses like healthcare offices, dental offices, veterinarian offices, colleges, universities, government offices, and others are constantly making new appointments, […]

Customer Queue Software to Shortens Christmas Shopping Lines

Christmas is just around the corner and retail brick-and-mortar businesses everywhere are preparing. In fact, many stores start decorating and stocking Christmas-themed items the day after Halloween. And, if you haven’t planned […]

How to Streamline the Buyer's Experience

Having a positive experience for every customer who walks in your door is more important than ever. In an ultra-competitive market, the retail industry is upping the ante and introducing […]