What the Queue Manager Process Looks Like

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The QLess queue manager is the future of line management. Forget about the old "take-a-number" system! This new technology will change the way your customers view waiting in line forever. To fully understand its possible applications, let's take a look at what it is like to use as the customer. We'll start where long lines are notorious, at the DMV.

A Trip to the DMV with QLess Queue Manager

Almost everybody in the USA loathes trips to the DMV because they may have to wait hours for service in a crowded waiting room on not-so-comfortable benches. There's also a good chance that you overlooked a needed document and will need to return and start the process all over again on another day. That adds up to a possible four to six hours of wasted time you can never get back. Let's not forget to mention the frustration and stress it can cause you.

Now, when DMVs implement the QLess queue manager system, the entire mindset of customers is changed to a positive one. Let's say I need to register a vehicle, before I ever leave my home, I can use the DMV's website or phone app to virtually get in line. The queue manager system will send voice or text notifications to my cell phone letting me know my approximate wait time and my place in line; therefore, if my wait is 2 hours long, I can relax at home or run a few errands while I wait for my service time. The QLess queue manager app will give me updates on new wait times as my place in line moves closer to the front.

Option to Request More Time

The QLess queue manager app has notified me that I am about 30 minutes away from being served, so I decide to start my car and head to the DMV building. Low and behold, life happens and a traffic accident has severely lengthened my commute. While I'm stuck in traffic, the app lets me know I am 15 minutes from being served and asks if I need more time. I opt for more time, and my place in line is moved further back in the queue. Thankfully, the QLess queue manager app doesn't restart me all over from the beginning again. Once I arrive at the DMV, I wait a few minutes and am directed by the app to go to a specific window for service.

QLess Kiosks

Since QLess is a new technology, not many people are aware of it. You may have no idea your DMV is even using it. For these DMV customers, a kiosk inside of the DMV building is where they will join the virtual queue. The QLess kiosks seamlessly integrate walk-ins with people who have remotely joined the queue. You will receive the same cell phone notifications as others who are in the virtual queue. That means you are free to immediately walk out of the DMV and go get lunch, go shopping, or maybe just wait in your car until it is your turn. These kiosks give you time back to utilize it however you want to.

Business Advertisements

Businesses who use the QLess queue manager system have the option to send customers targeted alerts about their current promotions. These ads may be useful and end up saving them money on goods and services they wanted anyway. Plus, as a business owner, you will get good exposure for your promotion and you can even use the queue manager's analytics to craft sales and promos that are in line with your customer's preferences and buying habits.

High Customer Satisfaction Rates

As you may recall from past DMV trips, customers waiting in line at the DMV consistently become frustrated, impatient, and dissatisfied the longer they wait, tensions run high with customers and they often turn to taking out their anger on employees. People may also walk-out as soon as they see the line, abandoning the DMV trip for another time.

Let's jump back into the shoes of the DMV customer waiting in the queue manager system, due to their perception of time as precious and their autonomy to allocate it according to their preferences, they are almost certainly to be happier and more satisfied with their experience. Customers may  love it so much that they tell their friends about it and recommend that particular DMV for services.

Data & Analytics

As soon as the customer completes their transaction with the business, the QLess queue manager immediately sends a short customer satisfaction survey to their cell phone. Studies show that the sooner surveys are sent to customers, the more likely they will be to complete them. These surveys are collected in the system and organized into reports and graphs that easily let business owners see customer satisfaction rates and other important information like transaction types and times, no-show and walk-out rates, outcomes, and other data. This information is an excellent way to assess how your business operates and will help you find areas for improvement.

Quell the Queue in Many Businesses

The QLess queue manager is certainly not just for DMVs. This system can be used for many industries, including those that need an option for appointment scheduling, like in healthcare. Imagine not having to wait in line at the doctor's office, at restaurants, in government offices, when navigating the college scene, when visiting theme parks, when shopping, or other instances where lines and wait times are long and arduous.

Like cell phones replaced pay phones, soon the QLess kiosks and queue manager app will replace antiquated systems. In time, people may not even remember the old "take-a-number" days of waiting until you drop.

Get started with the QLess system today. It's easy and doesn't require expensive installations or company downtime, it works through common web browsers and also provides your employees with a real-time dashboard to easily manage the queue.

Contact QLess today for a free business demo!
